prof. dr. mr. A.U. Janssen

André Janssen is a chair professor at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. André Janssen is respectively was a visiting scholar/professor at the Bocconi University Milan, Catholic University Lyon, Chinese University for Political Science and Law Beijing, City University Hong Kong, East China University of Political Science and Law Shanghai, Leuven University, Oxford University, Turin University, and Verona University. He also was the holder of the Francqui-chair funded by the Francqui-foundation in Belgium in 2021-2022.
He taught and presented at more than 100 international conferences on five continents, is a member of several national and international research networks and published more than 150 books and articles in the field of Commercial, Private, European, Comparative and International Sales Law, and Artificial Intelligence and Law. His latest books are amongst others International Sales Law: Contracts, Principles & Practice, 2nd edition, Oxford/Munich/Baden-Baden (Hart/Beck/Nomos) 2021, 1139 pages (co-edited with Larry DiMatteo, Ulrich Magnus and Reiner Schulze); Lawyering in the Digital Age, Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 2021 (co-edited with Michel Cannarsa, Francisco de Elizalde, Larry DiMatteo, Mateja Durovic and Pietro Ortolani); Digitalisering en conflictoplossing (Digitalisation and Digital Conflict Resolution), Deventer (Kluwer), 2021 (co-edited with Ruud Hermans, Pietro Ortolani and Pieter Wolters); Dispute Resolution in China, Europe and the World, Berlin/Vienna (Springer) 2020, 292 pages (co-edited with Chen Lei); Europarecht ‒ Handbuch für die deutsche Rechtspraxis (European Law – Handbook for German Legal Practice), 4th edition, Baden-Baden (Nomos) 2020, 3008 pages (co-edited with Stefan Kadelbach and Reiner Schulze), and Markesinis’s German Law of Torts: A Comparative Treatise, 5th edition, Oxford (Hart) 2019, 641 pages (with Basil Markesinis and John Bell). He is the co-chief-editor of the European Review of Private Law (ERPL) and a member of the editorial board of the International Arbitration Law Review (IALR) and the Opinio Juris in Comparatione. André Janssen is an arbitrator at the Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI) and regularly gives expert opinions for courts, arbitral tribunals and private parties.